Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Information Systems
BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus
Goa, India
Email: surjyag [AT] goa [dot] bits-pilani [dot] ac [dot] in
CV | Research@IHMI Lab | Publications | Teaching | Experience | Services | Achievements
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus. Prior to this, I worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at CWI Amsterdam. I did my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of IIT Kharagpur, India. Before joining PhD, I have worked at several IT organizations (TCS, IBM, Capgemini) for more than 10 years.
My research interests lie in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction, Applied AI, Affective Computing, and Computer Systems. The focus of my research is to design and develop intelligent computing systems, which can improve user experience and influence human behavior. My research has two broad themes: (a) to customize and deploy state-of-the-art AI models in computing systems to solve various human-centered research problems, (b) to facilitate user engagement (e.g. survey fatigue and interruption management, better interaction method) by addressing through a wide range of HCI methods (design, prototyping, user studies).
Latest Update
Jan-2025: New paper at IEEE Percom 2025 (WIP): "SandDune: Single ANtenna Device for Detecting User’s Natural Eating Habits"
Dec-2024: New paper at COMSNETS 2025 (Demo track): "PResCon: Physiological Response Augmented Continuous Emotion Annotation Tool"
Oct-2024: New paper at IEEE UIC 2024: "WhoAmIOn: A Technique To Determine Whether All Devices Are Being Used By The Same Person"
Oct-2024: Visiting KAIST in Oct 2024 as an invited speaker of UACHI'24
Jul-2024: New paper at ACM IMWUT 2024: "Towards Reducing Continuous Emotion Annotation Effort during Video Consumption: A Physiological Response Profiling Approach"
Jun-2024: New paper at ACII 2024: "Improving Continuous Emotion Annotation in Video Platforms via Physiological Response Profiling"
PUBLICATIONS [Back to top]
Shreyans Jain, Yash Bhisikar, Surjya Ghosh, Timothy Pierson, and Sougata Sen; SandDune: Single ANtenna Device for Detecting User’s Natural Eating Habits, The 23rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom 2025), Washington DC, USA, Mar 2025 (Work in Progress). (Accepted)
Swarnali Banik, Akhilesh Adithya, Bivas Mitra, Sougata Sen, Snehanshu Saha, and Surjya Ghosh; PResCon: Physiological Response Augmented Continuous Emotion Annotation Tool, 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2025), Bangalore, India, Jan 2025. (Demo) (Accepted)
Anuja Pinge, Vinaya Gad, Dheryta Jaisighani, Surjya Ghosh, and Sougata Sen; Detection and monitoring of stress using wearables: a systematic review, Frontiers in Computer Science (Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing), Vol. 6, 2024. [Article]
Anuja Achyut Pinge, Amey Damle, Rishav Mukherji, Bhargav Nagaraj, Surjya Ghosh, and Sougata Sen; WhoAmIOn: A Technique To Determine Whether All Devices Are Being Used By The Same Person, 21st IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (IEEE UIC 2024), Denarau Island, Fiji, Dec 2024. (Accepted)
Swarnali Banik, Sougata Sen, Snehanshu Saha, and Surjya Ghosh; Towards Reducing Continuous Emotion Annotation Effort during Video Consumption: A Physiological Response Profiling Approach, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM IMWUT), Volume 8, Issue 3, 2024. [Paper] [Slide] [Dataset]
Swarnali Banik, Sougata Sen, Snehanshu Saha, and Surjya Ghosh; Improving Continuous Emotion Annotation in Video Platforms via Physiological Response Profiling, 12th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2024), Glasgow, UK, Sep 2024. (Accepted)
Alfiya M. Shaikh, Hrithik Nambiar, Kshitish Ghate, Swarnali Banik, Sougata Sen, Surjya Ghosh, Vaskar Raychoudhury, Niloy Ganguly, and Snehanshu Saha; Self-SLAM: A Self-Supervised Learning Based Annotation Method to Reduce Labeling Overhead, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2024), Vilnius, Lithuania, Sep 2024. [Paper] [Slide] [Poster]
Surjya Ghosh, Salma Mandi, Sougata Sen, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Towards Estimating Missing Emotion Self-reports Leveraging User Similarity: A Multi-task Learning Approach, ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2024), Hawai'i, USA, May 2024. [Paper] [Slide] [Video Preview]
Anuja Pinge, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Surjya Ghosh, Aditya Challa, and Sougata Sen; mTanaaw: A System for Assessment and Analysis of Mental Health with Wearables, Workshop on Networking Humanitarian Technology for Healthcare at COMSNETS (NetHealth 2024), Bangalore, India, Jan 2024. [Paper]
Hrishikesh Govindrao Kusneniwar, Surjya Ghosh, and Sougata Sen; SonicGlass: An Obstacle Detection and Navigation System Using Smartglass-Based Ultrasonic Sensors, 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2024), Bangalore, India, Jan 2024. (Poster) [Paper]
M. Prajwal, Ayush Raj, Sougata Sen, Snehanshu Saha, and Surjya Ghosh; Towards Efficient Emotion Self-report Collection Using Human-AI Collaboration: A Case Study on Smartphone Keyboard Interaction, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM IMWUT), Volume 7, Issue 2, 2023. [Paper] [Dataset]
Shruti Rao, Surjya Ghosh, Gerard Pons Rodriguez, Thomas Röggla, Pablo Cesar, and Abdallah El Ali; From Video to Hybrid Simulator: Exploring Affective Responses toward Non-Verbal Pedestrian Crossing Actions using Camera and Physiological Sensors, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI), 2023. (IF: 4.902) [Paper]
Salma Mandi, Surjya Ghosh, Pradipta De, and Bivas Mitra; SELFI: Evaluation of Techniques to Reduce Self-report Fatigue by Using Facial Expression of Emotion, 19th International Conference of Technical Committee 13 (Human-Computer Interaction) of IFIP (INTERACT 2023), York, UK, Sep 2023. [Paper]
Harman M. Singh, Shrishailya Agashe, Shreyans Jain, Surjya Ghosh, Aditya Challa, Sravan Danda, and Sougata Sen; Insights from Executing TinyML Models on Smartphones and Microcontrollers, 19th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT 2023), Pafos, Cyprus, Jun 2023. (Poster) [Paper]
Saumya Mathkar, Prakhar Karsh, Udit Baluja, Surjya Ghosh, Sougata Sen, and Vinayak Naik; A Smartphone-based Application to Detect Parkinson's Disease Using Audio, 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2023), Bangalore, India, Jan 2023. (Demo) [Paper]
Satchit Hari, Ajay N, Sayan Sarcar, Sougata Sen, and Surjya Ghosh; AffectPro: Towards Constructing Affective Profile Combining Smartphone Typing Interaction and Emotion Self-reporting Pattern, 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ACM ICMI 2022), Bangalore, India, Nov 2022. [Paper]
Surjya Ghosh, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; ALOE: Active Learning based Opportunistic Experience Sampling for Smartphone Keyboard driven Emotion Self-report Collection, 10th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2022), Nara, Japan, Oct 2022. [Paper]
Shruti Rao, Surjya Ghosh, Gerard Pons Rodriguez, Thomas Röggla, Abdallah El Ali, and Pablo Cesar; Investigating Affective Responses toward In-Video Pedestrian Crossing Actions using Camera and Physiological Sensors, 14th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (ACM AutomotiveUI 2022), Seoul, South Korea, Sep 2022. [Paper]
Surjya Ghosh, Gerard Pons Rodriguez, Shruti Rao, Abdallah El Ali, and Pablo Cesar; Exploring Emotion Responses toward Pedestrian Crossing Actions for Designing In-vehicle Empathic Interfaces, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI EA 2022), New Orleans, USA, Apr 2022 (Late-breaking Works). [Paper]
Salma Mandi, Surjya Ghosh, Pradipta De, and Bivas Mitra; Emotion Detection from Smartphone Keyboard Interactions: Role of Temporal vs Spectral Features, The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2022), Brno, Czech Republic, April 2022. [Paper]
Akhilesh Adithya, Snigdha Tiwari, Sougata Sen, Sandip Chakraborty, and Surjya Ghosh; OCEAN: Towards Developing an Opportunistic Continuous Emotion Annotation Framework, The 20th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom 2022), Pisa, Italy, Mar 2022 (Work in Progress). [Paper] [Slide]
Anuja Achyut Pinge, Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay, Surjya Ghosh, and Sougata Sen; A Comparative Study between ECG-based and PPG-based Heart Rate Monitors for Stress Detection, Workshop on Networking Humanitarian Technology for Healthcare at COMSNETS (NetHealth 2022), Bangalore, India, Jan 2022. [Paper][Slide][Talk]
Surjya Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Designing An Experience Sampling Method for Smartphone based Emotion Detection, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021. (IF: 13.99) [Article]
Tejal Karnavat, Jaskaran Bhatia, Surjya Ghosh, and Sougata Sen; Exploring the challenges of using food journaling apps: A case-study with young adults, 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2021), Beppu, Japan, Nov 2021. [Paper]
Surjya Ghosh, and Tanaya Guha; Towards Autism Screening through Emotion-guided Eye Gaze Response, 43rd International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (IEEE EMBC 2021), Virtual, Oct 2021. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Johanna Lochner, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Your Smartphone Knows You Better Than You May Think: Emotional Assessment 'On the Go' via TapSense, Edited book volume Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine, Katarzyna Wac and Sharon Wulfovich (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland, June 2021. [Article]
Surjya Ghosh, Salma Mandi, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Exploring Smartphone Keyboard Interactions for Experience Sampling Method driven Probe Generation, 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2021), Texas, USA, Apr 2021. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Towards Improving Emotion Self-report Collection using Self-reflection, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI EA 2020), Honolulu, USA, Apr 2020 (Late-breaking Works). [Paper]
Tong Xue, Surjya Ghosh, Gangyi Ding, Abdallah El Ali, and Pablo Cesar; Designing Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation Techniques for 360 VR Videos, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI EA 2020), Honolulu, USA, Apr 2020 (Late-breaking Works). [Paper]
Soumyajit Chatterjee, Adrija Bhowmik, Arun Singh, Surjya Ghosh, Bivas Mitra, and Sandip Chakraborty; Detecting Mobility Context over Smartphones using Typing and Smartphone Engagement Patterns, 18th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing & Communications (IEEE PerCom 2020), Austin, USA, Mar 2020. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Kaustubh Hiware, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Emotion Detection from Touch Interactions during Text Entry on Smartphones, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Elsevier, 2019. (IF: 4.866) [Article].
Surjya Ghosh, Shivam Goenka, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Representation Learning for Emotion Recognition from Smartphone Keyboard Interactions, 8th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2019), Cambridge, UK, Sep 2019. [Paper]
Surjya Ghosh, Kaustubh Hiware, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Does Emotion Influence the Use of Auto-suggest during Smartphone Typing?, 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2019), Los Angeles, USA, Mar 2019. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Sumit Sahu, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; EmoKey: An Emotion-aware Smartphone Keyboard for Mental Health Monitoring, 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS 2019), Bangalore, India, Jan 2019. [Paper] [Poster] (Best Poster Award - 3rd Place)
Rohit Verma, Surjya Ghosh, Saketh Mahankali, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Sandip Chakraborty; ComfRide: A Smartphone based System for Comfortable Public Transport Recommendation, 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2018), Vancouver, Canada, Oct 2018. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Effectiveness of Deep Neural Network Model in Typing-based Emotion Detection on Smartphones, 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM Mobicom 2018), New Delhi, India, Oct 2018. [Paper] [Poster]
Suman Kalyan Maity, Ankan Mullick, Surjya Ghosh, Anil Kumar, Sunny Dhamnani, Sudhansu Bahety, and Animesh Mukherjee; Understanding Psycholinguistic Behavior of Predominant Drunk Texters in Social Media, In 3rd Edition of the IEEE Workshop on ICT Solutions for EHealth (IEEE ICTS4eHealth 2018), Natal, Brazil, Jun 2018. (Best Paper Award) [Paper]
Rohit Verma, Surjya Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Sandip Chakraborty; Smart-phone based Spatio-temporal Sensing for Annotated Transit Map Generation, 25th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017), Redondo Beach, California, USA, Nov 2017. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Evaluating Effectiveness of Smartphone Typing as an Indicator of User Emotion, 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2017), San Antonio, Texas, USA, Oct 2017. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; TapSense: Combining Self-Report Patterns and Typing Characteristics for Smartphone based Emotion Detection, 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (ACM MobileHCI 2017), Vienna, Austria, Sep 2017. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Towards Designing an Intelligent Experience Sampling Method for Emotion Detection, 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2017), Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2017. [Paper] [Slide]
Surjya Ghosh; Emotion-aware Computing using Smartphone, 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS 2017), Bangalore, India, Jan 2017 (PhD Forum). [Paper]
Rohit Verma, Surjya Ghosh, Aviral Shrivastava, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Sandip Chakraborty; Unsupervised Annotated City Traffic Map Generation, 24th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016), San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA (Short paper). [Paper]
Surjya Ghosh, Vatsalya Chauhan, Niloy Ganguly, Bivas Mitra, and Pradipta De; Impact of Experience Sampling Methods on Tap Pattern based Emotion Recognition, 4th ACM Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science - MCSS (ACM Ubicomp Adj.15) Osaka, Japan. [Paper] [Slide]
TEACHING [Back to top]
Semester II (Spring), 2024-25: Human-Computer Interaction (BITS F364), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2024-25: Computer Programming Lab (CS F111), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester I (Autumn), 2024-25: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2023-24: Computer Programming (CS F111), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2023-24: Computer Programming Lab (CS F111), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester I (Autumn), 2023-24: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester I (Autumn), 2023-24: Computer Architecture Lab (CS F342), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2022-23: Human-Computer Interaction (BITS F364), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2022-23: Operating Systems Tutorial (CS F372), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester I (Autumn), 2022-23: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2021-22: Human-Computer Interaction (BITS F364), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester II (Spring), 2021-22: Computer Networks Lab (CS F303), CS&IS, BITS Goa
Semester I (Autumn), 2021-22: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa
EXPERIENCE [Back to top]
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems of BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus India [Aug 2021 - to date]
Postdoctoral Researcher, Distributed and Interactive Systems group of CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands [Aug 2019 - Jul 2021]
SAP CRM Consultant, Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata, India [July 2014 - Jan 2015]
Senior Advisory Consultant, IBM India Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata, India [Mar 2013 - Mar 2014]
Assistant Consultant, TATA Consultancy Services Ltd, Kolkata, India [Oct 2003 - Mar 2013]
Invited Talks
UACHI'24, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, hosted by Prof. Uichin Lee (Oct 2024)
Title: PResUP: Physiological Response based User Profiling for Opportunistic Emotion Annotation
Faculty Development Programme, organized by PCCE, Goa (Jan 2023)
Title: Recent trends in Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Data Science
Harnessing Big Data for Precision Medicine and Healthcare Workshop Series, organized by Leibniz AI Lab, Germany (Jun 2021)
Title: Developing Smartphone Keyboard Interaction based Emotion Detection System
Dutch CHI, Netherlands (Jun 2020)
Title: Towards Improving Emotion Self-report Collection using Self-reflection
India HCI, Hyderabad, India (Nov 2019)
Title: Does Emotion Influence the Use of Auto-suggest during Smartphone Typing?
Cornell Tech, New York City, USA (Mar 2019)
Title: Smartphone-based emotion detection: Research Challenges, System Implementation, and Applications
Senior PC member ACM ICMI (2024).
PC member ACM ICMI (2024), ACII (2024, 2023).
Reviewer of ACM CSCW 2024, ACM SIGCHI (2025, 2022, 2021, 2020), PACM IMWUT (2021, 2020), ACM ISS 2022.
Reviewer of ACII (2022, 2021), ACM Automotive UI 2021, ACM MobileHCI 2020.
Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAFFC) 2024, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks 2021, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) 2020.
PC member of IEEE AIVR 2020.
PC member of CODS-COMAD (Young Researcher Symposium) 2022, COMSNETS (Graduate Forum, Posters) 2022.
Reviewer of AffCon workshop, co-located with AAAI 2019.
TPC member of ACM S3 workshop, in conjunction with Mobicom 2018.
Graduate forum co-chair at IndoML 2024.
Invited jury member at KPIT Sparkle 2024.
Publicity co-chair at COMSNETS 2023.
Poster co-chair at ICDCN 2023.
Student consortium co-chair at India HCI 2022.
Student volunteer at ACM IUI 2019.
ACHIEVEMENTS [Back to top]
Awards and Recognitions
My interview by the Interview Portal [Link]
Selected as young researcher for the 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2021 [Link]
Received Best Poster Award - 3rd Place at COMSNETS 2019 [Link]
Received Best Paper Award at ICTS4eHealth 2018
Ranked 10th in the merit panel of Assistant Professor at WBCSC (UGC-NET, India) in July 2016
Received Unversity Silver Medal for 2nd rank in B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering)
Travel Grants
Received ACM/IARCS Travel Grant for attending CHI 2024
Received Microsoft Research India Travel Grant for attending IUI 2019, MobileHCI 2017, UbiComp 2015
Received Student Travel Grant for attending IUI 2019, Mobicom 2018, ACII 2017
Received LRN India Travel Grant for attending IUI 2019
Received COMSNETS Travel Grant for attending COMSNETS 2019, 2018, 2017
Date modified: Feb 06, 2025